Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cervix Right Before Period How Is Your Cervix Suppose To Feel 3 Days Before A Period?

How is your cervix suppose to feel 3 days before a period? - cervix right before period

My LMP Dec29th. It is exacly 30 days, apart from my earlier, in November, and so on. So expect my next period of 29 January. Recently, I realized that I was so bitchy usually some time, and I do not feel bloated. And today, my cervix was very high, I could barely get there, and very soft and moist.

Is this how you want to be the cervix before a period is due?


Chels said...

Position the cervix is not a reliable indicator of pregnancy. If you are not pregnant, is still some time to be less and signed. But it is a sign of "something" in any way.

confused said...

My LMP was 30th December! This is our 2nd Month, a baby get. Did I feel less Picardy. My stomach pains similar to menstrual cramps, but rather as a stab in the ovulation week. Also, around 5 days past ovulation, I had a little bleeding (implantation?) And my breasts hurt too.We dancing baby every day while he was ovulation. I do not know anything about the pass, but I thought it was so convincing that we are both very close to the PML and TTC. He "lost" more than 10 tests Preggers, lol, at least in the $ $ 1 General! I guess I gotta wait 3 days! Good luck to you!

Stephani... said...

I do not think you should touch your pass period.

I do not know a girl who got to know her neck control before your time, when their period.

Stephani... said...

I do not think you should touch your pass period.

I do not know a girl who got to know her neck control before your time, when their period.

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