Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ship Electrical Diagram Can You Ship A Large Package Via FedEx That's Taped With Electrical Tape?

Can you ship a large package via FedEx that's taped with electrical tape? - ship electrical diagram

The accepted through the mail? Thank you.


Octal040 said...

You will agree if the tape is wrapped around the table and normal not only in the top box as the tape. Duct Tape by nature itself and adhere to other plastics, not cardboard.

"In fact, some medical care should be packed in dry ice to be sealed with tape.

The likelihood that your package is an X-ray or somewhere very controlled Tho obtained. Postal reform is only through the adoption Govt keeps open outgoing packets with a court order. But George W. Bush added a statement to the reform, said he can do something, "began in accordance with a warrant, if they so wish.

idahdesp... said...

Electrical tape is not approved for shipping.

SGElite said...

You must satisfy before accepting a FedEx package. Speak to advise you with the service.

B h o g s k y said...

Guess not realistic .. .. What is the use of packing tape .. Tape used for electrical ..

B h o g s k y said...

Guess not realistic .. .. What is the use of packing tape .. Tape used for electrical ..

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