Saturday, February 13, 2010

Jacksonville Fl Silverware Appraisal Jacksonville Fl.?

Jacksonville Fl.? - jacksonville fl silverware appraisal

and my friend has now been informed on the Wii and its delivery, that they, in Jacksonville, FL, and his arrival in Boca Raton, FL were. How many hours

UPS Shipping


Kelsey said...

Jacksonville is a "hub" - a large distribution center UPS. This means that a truck or rail for the transport of the Wii needs to branch in your area, then you have to give it to your friend.

You are the friend she'd received that morning Wii.

I would be surprised if we do today.

Kim said...

There should be a tracking system # will see the UPS Web site to find, is where and at what time.

••Mott•• said...

7 hours

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